
Where to Spend Your Bitcoin

The price of a Bitcoin is quite volatile, but it is currently double what it was a year ago. I believe the price will continue higher as more people get digital wallets and more merchants accept the digital currency. Coinbase, where I got my digital wallet, reported it now supports more than 43,000 merchants. If […]

Election Attitude – Tagline Results

Thanks to the 44 Attitude LLC subscribers who responded to my request for input about the tagline for the impending new book, Election Attitude. 55% voted for “How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy” or a very similar variation. All of the suggestions were good, but that is the one I chose, for two reasons. First, […]

Motorcycle Trip 2016: Days 5-7

The trip will set a record for us with 1,600+ miles. I spent day 5 with my board colleagues in committee meetings of the OCLC Board of Trustees. I am privileged to serve on the executive and finance committees and to chair the technology planning committee. On Day 6 the OCLC board meeting convened early and concluded […]

Blockchain: The Technology Foundation For Internet Transactions

On May 16, Jerry Cuomo, IBM’s Vice President for Blockchain, testified before the President’s Commission on Enhancing National Cyber Security. Cuomo said he believes the technology could dramatically change the way financial systems are secured and that government, technology companies and industries should work together to advance blockchain to enhance national security. IBM has some creditability in this area. Eighty years […]

Election Attitude

If you are following my blog or receive my weekly e-newsletter, you know about my two books, Health Attitude and Net Attitude. The books have something in common — attitude. Some websites are great. They do what we want and save us time. They make things easier. Unfortunately, many other websites are lame. You click and […]