Senior Scam – A Fraudulent Promotion and Privacy Theft

This week, I received a special offer in the mail; not email, USPS mail. The three part form and format were designed to deceive you and make you think it was an official government document. It was labeled 2017 DEATH BENEFIT INFORMATION. UNITED STATES MAIL RECIPIENT. Then in small print, IMPORTANT NON-GOVERNMENTAL DOCUMENT ENCLOSED ON INSURANCE […]

Canadian Internet Voting

The anti-Internet voting activists are hard at work to preserve the status quo and scare politicians and Secretaries of State. They use papers and presentations to convince those who are responsible for elections in the American States and Canadian municipalities to believe “never is too soon” for Internet voting. As discussed in detail in Election Attitude […]

Internet Voting in Canada

Canadians can see the benefits of Internet voting in their municipal elections. There were 12 municipalities who used it in the 2003 elections. The number grew to 97 in 2014. It is expected to be 200 municipalities in 2018. The Hanover council, in Ontario, Canada, has given the green light for telephone and Internet voting in […]

Businessweek said Today’s Computer Voting Is Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete

Today’s Businessweek did an excellent job of reporting about our broken election system. The story focused on the 10-15 year old voting machines we use across America. I had written in Election Attitude about this and many other problems in our registration and voting systems, but Businessweek drilled down deep into the history and future […]

Digital Politics: Podcast about Internet Voting

Karen Jagoda,President at E-Voter Institute, interviewed me earlier this week for Digital Politics. She asked really good questions about what is holding back Internet voting. You can listen to the podcast here. Election Attitude – How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy