Connecticut’s Power Woes Nearly Over

We got power restored at 5:17 PM last night after an eight-day outage. As of 2 PM on Monday there were still 53, 103 customers not yet restored with electricity. That is 4% of the customers in the state. Someone today told me the average household is three people. If so, that means there are […]

Connecticut’s Power Woes – Update

This evening marks the end of the eighth day without power for a large number of people in Connecticut. As of 5 PM on Sunday there were 89,629 customers not yet restored with electricity. That is 7% of the customers in the state. If there are just two people per customer account, that is nearly […]

Connecticut’s Power Woes Outshine Rest

Hurricane Irene was devastating to Connecticut, but the storm this past weekend is said to be five times worse. That has been the case for me and my family. I feel very fortunate to have a propane generator and I empathize with the one million people in Connecticut who were without electricity painfully long. Now […]