Update Your App Permissions
I have been following David Strom’s Web Informant newsletter for a number of years. They are always interesting, but his latest was particularly useful. The subject of his writing was how to clean up your social media apps. He opens by asking the question: How many apps have you allowed access to your Facebook, Twitter […]
The Future Is More Than Facebook
The frenzy over Facebook is unprecedented. There are many interesting dimensions to the story; the most interesting to me, is how the insiders are upping the number of shares they plan to unload on the public. This does not give one confidence — that those with the most information have decided to reduce their long-term […]
G+ Index
I have no crystal ball, but I see Google Plus as a breath of fresh air for privacy and having a big impact on Facebook. From the feedback I have been getting to some recent posts, it seems a number of readers feel the same way. For those who may have missed the earlier posts […]
Google+ Growth
The Wall Street Journal posed the question of whether Facebook is worth $100 billion. I still have no idea, but I continue to think Facebook is now facing a very formidable competitor. My initial reaction has strengthened. G+ circles are a big deal and clearly the differentiator. As for growth, technowizard Leon Haland has shared […]
Google + Facebook
The Wall Street Journal posed the question of whether Facebook is worth $100 billion. I have no idea, but the market will sort that out over time. I do, however, have a point of view about Facebook versus Google+. From what I see so far, I think Facebook is now facing a very formidable competitor. […]