
Apple iPhones and Watch Look Great

As usual, the Apple Keynote to introduce the new Apple Watch and three new iPhones, was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple has it down pat. Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them works every time. The new Watch will enable millions of people to […]

Where Were You When…?

Most of us remember vividly where we were on September 11, 2001. In my case, I was in Danbury, Connecticut in the board room at Bristol Technology meeting with their CEO, Keith Blackwell. Remember where you were when you first heard that President Kennedy was assassinated, 53 years ago this week? (or when Jerry Garcia […]

Apple – Underwhelming Products?

The WSJ reported today about Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 7. It said the product looked “practical, but not jaw-dropping. As usual the analysts don’t seem to fully appreciate the seamless integration Apple offers or the incredible new technology inside the iPhone. The new cameras and image processing capabilities truly are jaw dropping. There was a lot of criticism […]

Apple – A Disappointing Quarter?

The WSJ reported today, Apple “grappled with the first prolonged slump in iPhone sales since the product was introduced in 2007.” True enough, but I remain bullish about Apple. The company shipped 40.4 million iPhones in the quarter: 449 thousand every day, 19,000 every hour, 312 per minute, 5.2 per second. Nothing can go straight up to the moon–as […]


e-philanthropy: written October 5, 1999 edited January 17, 2010 and June 21, 2016 I think we are all aware of how well the stock market has recovered in recent years. The unprecedented growth has resulted in prosperity for many people beyond what they may have imagined was possible. For many people, the amassing of a million […]