
Bad Apple?

Just a few months ago, some analysts were projecting that Apple would soon reach $1,000 per share. Now they are saying Apple is in for big problems ahead including increased competition, lower profit margins, being forced into less expensive product introductions, and the challenges of maintaining high growth. Apples earnings report brought a traumatic price […]

iPhone 5 — Week 1

The first pleasure of each iPhone is to watch the logistical system in action.  I ordered the iPhone 5 at six AM on September 14.  It shipped from ZhengZhou, China eight days later, and then progressed like a checker across the board to Incheon, Korea; Anchorage; Louisville, Jamaica, NY; Windor Locks, CT; Brookfield, CT; and on to Ridgefield […]

iPhone 5 and Sonos

The first post about the iPhone here at patrickWeb was on January 10, 2007. Many iPhone stories have followed since then. I have to admit that I love the iPhone technology and the many things it makes possible.  The iPhone 5 will be the sixth iPhone in my life. The string of past models includes […]

Where’s The Music?

Music has been one of my favorite things for as long as I can remember (see music category here in patrickWeb for stories).  Where is my music? Some of it is recorded on circular pieces of vinyl stored in boxes in my attic.  The music used to rotate at 33 1/3 revolutions per minute on […]

Media Companies Fighting for Fees — Correction

Thanks to Michael in Alameda, California for catching an error I made in the post about media companies fighting over fees.  The company I referred to as Aero is Aereo.  I use a website called phenom.aero, so I must have had aero on the brain. I have corrected the original posting.  My apology goes out […]