Health Attitude on Fox Business
I am excited to be on Fox Business TV with Maria Bartiromo on Monday morning at 6:40am. If you are an early bird, please tune in. We will be talking about healthcare.
Why is health care so expensive?
As published in the Danbury News-Times and on Sunday, October 18, 2015 There are numerous factors contributing to our high health care cost, including unnecessary tests and procedures, the high cost of drugs, fraud, lack of tort reform, inefficiency, and lack of standards. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law […]
On The Air
The world has gone video, but radio is far from dead. I have many fond memories about radio technology. As a teenager I was an active amateur radio operator. I first became a ham at age 15 in 1960 (See Hobbies – Ham radio). In engineering school in the 1960s, I was an announcer on Lehigh […]
Why Are Drugs So Expensive?
Currently, the fastest growing cost in healthcare is coming from double-digit growth in the cost of drugs. The cost of drugs is a significant burden for millions of Americans. Some believe the root cause is greed, but I believe the root cause comes from Congress. When the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan was passed […]
Patients Prefer Digitally Savvy Docs and Want a Connected Healthcare Experience
Most people have not heard of Surescripts, but they touch each of our lives. The company has a nationwide health information network connecting doctor’s offices, hospitals, pharmacists, and health plans. When your doctor e-prescribes a medication, Surescripts routes the prescription to your pharmacy. A Surescripts’ Connected Care and the Patient Experience survey found, “Millions of people […]