
What Do Medical Students Think About Electronic Health Records?

The median age of a first year medical student is 22. He or she was born in 1993, and by the time they got to 1st grade, the web was well established. In other words, they never knew a time when the Internet was not an integral part of their lives. We should not be […]

Visit the Cleveland Clinic for $49

The Cleveland Clinic, one of the five largest group healthcare practices in America, has 3,150 staff physicians and scientists working in 130 medical specialties and subspecialties. In 2014, the clinic had more than 50 thousand acute admissions, more than 25 thousand surgeries, and more than 100 thousand emergency department visits.  These are big numbers, but 100 times […]

Will Consumers Be Able to Perform Kidney Dialysis at Home?

Hemodialysis is the most common way to treat advanced kidney failure. The procedure can help one carry on an active life despite a failure of these important organs. Hemodialysis requires a strict and precise treatment schedule. The process uses a man-made membrane (dialyzer) which remove wastes from the blood and restores the proper balance of electrolytes. Patients typically go to a […]

We All Need Health Insurance

I watched a panel discussion on CNBC this morning. It was introduced as the Future of Healthcare. The participants were CEOs of health insurance companies. There was no mention of patient safety and quality, clinical procedures, patient care, mobile health, telehealth, robotic surgery, accountable care, or affordable care. Another missing topic concerns the 30-40 million […]

Is Remote Robotic Surgery Practical?

Last summer, I experienced a robot assisted radical prostatectomy. I wrote about the experience and follow-on treatment in Health Attitude. I was on the operating room table, and the surgeon was across the room, sitting at the console of the da Vinci robotic surgical system console. Another surgeon, an anesthesiologist, and nurses were at the operating […]