Listen to the Radio Interview
The NPR/PBS interview on Tech Nation with Dr. Moira Gunn was broadcasted on the many channels described in my post last week. The title of the broadcast is “Episode 15-33”. The interview audio quality came out very well. I hope you enjoy it. The best way to listen to the interview is on one of the Internet streaming […]
Health Attitude on NPR
Dr. Moira Gunn is host of the public radio program Tech Nation. She was the first woman to earn a PhD in mechanical engineering at Purdue and has been interviewing technology leaders for more than a decade. She has conducted more than 2,000 in-depth interviews. I first met Moira in late 2001, just after Net Attitude was published. […]
Health Attitude at the Cocoon Coffee House
Grant and Jeanne Genzlinger, co-owners of the Settlers Inn in Hawley, Pennsylvania and I have collaborated to have a book party. The event will take place at 6 PM on Tuesday, August 23rd at the Cocoon Coffee House. The upscale coffee shop is at the site of the old Hawley Silk Mill. Both sites date back to 1893. Follow […]
FDA Approves First 3-D printed Pill
If you are a believer in the future of 3-D printing, as I am, you believe just about anything can be printed. At the 3D Printing Conference and Expo in New York earlier this year, I saw printed shoes, chocolate pretzels, jewelry, teeth, and the fenders of a car. I have to admit, I had not […]
Uber for Healthcare
When I was a small child and got a cold, my mother would call Dr. Green. He lived in our town and would drive his 1950 Plymouth to our home. I can recall him leaning over my bed to check my temperature and diagnose my condition. I vividly recall the little black pills and deep […]