
Health Attitude First Book Signing in New York

Health Attitude was published by Attitude LLC on Wednesday, March 18, 2015. The initial launch took place on Tuesday, March 24 at the 21st Annual Genesys Partners Venture Dinner at the Union League Club in New York. The first book signing took place the next day at the Agility First! Forum at The Standard in East Village, New York City. It was my pleasure […]

Italy 2015

The board of trustees of OCLC meets at least five times per year. We usually meet in the headquarters city, which is Dublin, Ohio. Once per year we meet somewhere outside of Dublin. The last few such meetings were in Boston, Seattle, and Toronto. This year it was in Florence, Italy. My wife and I decided […]

Health Attitude Tagline

Thanks for helping narrow down the choices for the Health Attitude tagline. I narrowed it down to three. Thanks!  Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare  Solving America’s Healthcare Crisis  How Attitude and Technology Can Solve Our Healthcare Crisis

Health Attitude Tagline

  Health Attitude is coming soon. An open question is what the tagline should be. This is important because it affects the likelihood that someone will decide to read the book. Ten people have responded to the survey so far, and you can see the results below. For those of you who have been following […]

Health Attitude Update

  Thanks for following progress toward the launch of Health Attitude. We are getting very close. The book cover design is entering the second round next week. Marketing copy for the Amazon website is underway. “Advance Praise” blurbs are coming in from reviewers. I will continue to edit and make Health Attitude as good as […]