
Tuscany Beach Club Party Raises $6,800 for Flagler Habitat

On Sunday evening, February 18, a fund raiser was held at the Tuscany Beach Club at Hammock Dunes in Palm Coast, Florida. Lindsay Elliott, Executive Director of Flagler Habitat for Humanity, presented a moving and compelling summary of the great work the organization is doing, including now having built more than 100 homes in the […]

Healthcare Cost

We hear a lot about high health insurance premiums. Some of the high premiums have to do with the inefficiency of the health insurance industry, as written here last week. The basic reason for high premiums, however, is the high cost of healthcare. If you have a Ferrari, your insurance will be higher than if […]

Disrupting Healthcare

The State of the Union topics about tax reform, jobs, immigration, and infrastructure are all important, but what about healthcare? Healthcare represents nearly 20% of our economy, people are going bankrupt or dying because of the cost of drugs, basic healthcare is unaffordable for millions, and we are the only developed country in the world […]

It’s All About Attitude: Book Reviews

Book reviews are important for readers and authors. On this page you will find independent reviews prepared by The US Review of Books and by readers on Amazon. If you like any of my books, I invite you to add your own review. Potential readers and I will appreciate it.        Amazon   […]

Home Attitude (Clip 7) – Other Books by John R. Patrick

The YouTube video today is #7 of a seven-part series. The 90 second clip summarizes what each of my books is about. I believe most of the major problems in the world have attitude problems at their core, and most of the solutions for moving forward are likewise based on attitude. My company, Attitude LLC, […]