E-stethoscope for Telehealth
Telehealth is really catching on. Some consumers are changing their family physician to one who offers telehealth. The driver is the big C, convenience. Driving to sit in a waiting room (usually with no WiFi) is such a waste of time for many. Grandparents who chat with distant grandchildren with Skype or FaceTime now realize they could see […]
Cartilage From Mouth To Knees?
Researchers at Columbia College of Dental Medicine have been working to develop a treatment for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. The TMJ acts like a sliding hinge connecting your jawbone to your skull. You have one joint on each side of your jaw. TMJ disorders can cause extreme pain in your jaw joint and in the muscles […]
What the Next President Should Do: Healthcare Common Sense
The 2016 election is over, and a top priority for the new administration and Congress is healthcare. The candidates discussed little substance about healthcare during the campaigns, despite the fact it is approaching 20% of our economy and touches every American. You could say the problems in healthcare have been caused by action by one […]
Watson, tell me about my doctor and turn down the heat
Jefferson hospital has launched a program with IBM to create cognitive hospital rooms powered by IBM Watson Internet of Things. Dr. Stephen Klasko is President and CEO at Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Steve and I both went to Lehigh University and also University of South Florida. We served together on […]
Can Tech Create Muscle Tissue?
Back surgery sometimes results in an infarction of a nerve. If the nerve does not grow back, the result can be a drop foot condition. Over time, the leg muscle atrophies. If you walk around Florida, you can see more than a few cases of gentlemen in shorts with one leg noticeably smaller than the […]