
New Robot Gives Surgeons a Sense of Touch

Newer cars and the new iPhone use haptic feedback, a small vibration in the steering wheel or the home button, to signal you have crossed over the white line on the highway or you have pushed the home button on your iPhone. A team at Australia’s Deakin University and Harvard University have used similar technology in […]

A Visit to MITRE Corporation

Harry Sleeper is the Department Head of the Open Health Services group at MITRE Corporation. MITRE is a non-profit corporation which describes its mission as “One public interest company, working with industry and academia to advance and apply science, technology, systems engineering, and strategy, enabling government and the private sector to make better decisions and implement solutions to complex […]

Healthcare Quality Varies Significantly by State

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) gathers data on more than 250 measures of healthcare quality and access to healthcare. After crunching a lot of data, the federal agency found a wide variance between states in the quality of the healthcare the states delivered. The top five states are Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire […]

An Hour With Patients, Two on Record Keeping

An analysis of a “time and motion” study of nearly 60 doctors in four U.S. states, published in the September 6 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine, was revealing. The study showed for every hour a doctor spends with a patient, he or she spends two hours updating records. The electronic health record systems, intended to speed patient referrals […]

Paleo and Health Attitude

Paleo Magazine reached out to me asking about including Health Attitude in their Book Corner section. It was a pleasure to work with Kathryn Corazzelli on a brief interview about Health Attitude for the magazine’s readers. I had not been familiar with Paleo previously, until Rebecca Allen, Sales & Marketing Technologist at Hodges-Mace, LLC, an Atlanta based provider of […]