Genesys XVIII

The 18th Annual Genesys Partners Venture Dinner — Gen XVIII– Monday night at the Union League Club in New York attracted more than 100 venture capitalists, investors, journalists, entrepreneurs, and industry executives. As always, Jim Kollegger — CEO of Genesys Partners and one of the pioneers of the information industry — was an elegant master […]

EMRs — The Time is Now

Electronic medical records (EMRs) are on the way, and not any too soon. The government is offering large incentives to healthcare providers to start using EMRs and for those who skip the incentive, there will be penalties to follow. Whatever you may think of the EMR, it is at our doorstep. I am not making […]

DEMO in Santa Clara – 2011

Demo has always been my favorite conference, and this past week in Santa Clara proved valuable once again. I believe this was the twenty-first year I have attended Demo. The Demo conference allows entrepreneurs to show off new gadgets, software, hardware and business ideas and enables the press, analysts, investors, key influencers and technology enthusiasts […]


There are a lot of subjects I do not know much about. One of them is genomics. I moderated a panel at a technology conference a few years ago that included three PhDs in bioinformatics and I learned enough to confirm how little I knew. I asked the three experts what book would enlighten me. […]

Health Discussions Forum

I am grateful to the readers of patrickWeb for years of visits to the blog and providing excellent feedback to me. I especially appreicate hearing about a typo or bad link or something that improves the site for everyone. As you may have detected, I have developed a strong interest in healthcare.  The interest in […]