
Genesys XX

The 20th Annual Genesys Partners Venture Dinner — Genesys XX– Tuesday night at the Union League Club in New York included nearly 100 invited venture capitalists, investors, journalists, entrepreneurs, and industry executives. As always, Jim Kollegger — CEO of Genesys Partners and one of the pioneers of the information industry — was an elegant master […]

IBM’s Crystal Ball

Every year, IBM researchers take a look to the future and publish their top five predictions for what we will see five years from now. Take a look at IBM – Smarter Planet – The IBM 5 in 5 for their latest.  The site has a well-done 90 second video to summarize what each of the five […]

IBM Retiree Healthcare

This morning, I attended a local gathering of approximately 45 retired IBMers at Founders Hall. As previously described, IBM has made arrangements with ExtendHealth to act as a broker to provide advice and enrollment for retirees with regard to Medigap, Medicare Advantage, Rx, Dental, and Vision insurance programs. The choices are complex and the consensus […]

IBM’s Grassroots Revival

IBM’s Grassroots Revival was a story by Eric Ransdel that ran in Fast Company Magazine twenty years ago. The magazine is tweeting away today celebrating the anniversary. The story is accurate and speaks for itself. Eric did a lot of research and developed a deep understanding of what was going on inside IBM with regard to […]

Significant Changes

The 5S will be my eighth iPhone and I can’t wait. I got up at 2:55 AM last Friday to place my order online. When I got to the very last step, a message appeared saying “Your carrier has a policy that shipments of the iPhone can only be made to your billing address of […]