The Positive Potential of the Internet
There has been plenty of bad news about the Internet lately. Big tech spying on us, fake news, etc. I am optimistic these issues will get resolved, although it will take time. Meanwhile, there are a lot of good things happening in the world of the Internet and big tech. On election day we had […]
It’s All About Attitude
On May 1st, the Danbury Area Computer Society held it’s monthly meeting, and it was my honor to give a talk there about The Future. This was the twenty-sixth year in a row I have shared my thoughts at DACS. Andy Woodruff wrote a synopsis of the talk which follows below. MAY 29, 2018 BY ANDY […]
Internet Voting With Blockchain
Kaya Yurieff, an associate writer focused on consumer technology for CNN Tech, interviewed me in February about Internet voting. Following are the first few paragraphs of her story which appeared online this week. You can do a lot on a smartphone, from depositing a check to ordering groceries. But here’s one thing you can’t do: vote […]
The Verdict From Mock Trial of Tech Titans
Last night was the 24th Annual Genesys Partners Venture Capital Dinner & Forum at the historic Union League Club in New York City. Nearly 100 investors, analysts, journalists, and key influencers attended. CEO James Kollegger kicked off the evening and introduced Dr. Michael R. Nelson. Mike advises governments on Internet technology issues for Cloudflare, a startup that has improved […]
Online Voting Trial with Blockchain: Academics Say Yes
The BBC reported the Scottish Government is being urged to undertake trials of online voting. A group of thirty academics and non-profit leaders said online voting could lead to “modern democracy”. I could not agree more, as I wrote in Election Attitude – How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy. The group of thirty acknowledged security […]