Home Attitude – The Basics of Home Automation
It has been a pleasure to share more than 150 stories with you during 2017. I am looking forward to many more in the new year. Topics will include cryptocurrency, blockchain, medical technology, Internet technology, and more. I appreciate all the reader comments during the year, and especially when you recommend my weekly e-Brief to […]
Home Attitude – Video Clip #2
This is the second of seven video clips about Home Attitude. I really appreciate the eight 5-star reviews on Amazon. I have ads running on Amazon and Google, and will be starting a Goodreads campaign in January. Kindle and Print are still running about neck and neck. It was a pleasure to present all four […]
Internet Voting With Blockchain
One day last summer, I was reading news online and came upon an article in The Business Journals, a unit of American City Business Journals (ACBJ), the largest publisher of metropolitan business newsweeklies in the United States. The article, “How to increase voter participation and eliminate fraud with blockchain“, was written by Terry Brock. I found […]
Apple Face Recognition
As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced the new Apple Watch, Apple TV, iPhone 8, iPhone 8+, and the iPhone X was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple executives acted like a great team and executed their usual: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told […]
Hackers and Voting Machines
A number of readers have asked for a perspective on the news story about a Las Vegas conference where hackers were able to easily break in to 30 voting machines. First of all, despite the sensational headlines, the successful hacking should be no surprise. I wrote about this more than a year ago in Election […]