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Ukraine I learn a lot of interesting details everyday on the Telegram app or website. Weapons from the United States are being delivered to Ukraine using the Air Force C-17. The C-17 Globemaster III aircraft were loaded with ammunition for 155 mm howitzers from the US Air Force Travis Air Force base located on the […]

News from

Ukraine To know what is really going on in Ukraine, use the Telegram app. You can find it in the Apple app store or the Android play store. (To learn more about Telegram, visit Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centers around […]

News from

Vaccinations BA.2, also known as “stealth omicron,” is considered to be a sub-variant of omicron. In Chicago, the sub-variant is now making up at least two-thirds of the city’s COVID cases. Hospitalizations and deaths have declined over the last week. That is good news but we still need to be cautious. The WHO dashboard shows […]

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Vaccinations Former FDA head, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, believes the U.S. this spring will avoid a “national wave” of infection related to the more contagious omicron BA.2 subvariant. He told CNBC, “I think we’re further into this than we perceive. Gottlieb added he thinks cases are being “dramatically” underreported in some parts of the country, like […]

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Vaccinations Subvariants BA.1.1, BA.2 and BA.3 are being monitored carefully. These more contagious versions of omicron are beginning to spread in U.S. It is still really important to get vaccinated and boosted. The WHO dashboard shows what is going on country by country. Globally, as of  March 24, 2022, there have been 486.8 million confirmed cases of […]