
Back to DACS – 2011

On April 5th, the Danbury Area Computer Society will hold it’s monthly meeting and it will be my honor to give a talk (at 7:45PM) about The Future of the Internet. (This will be the nineteenth year in a row that I have done this). The meeting will be open to the public and will […]

The iPad Is Tops With Doctors

Bertha Coombs at CNBC reported that there are two things Dr. Larry Nathanson can’t work without when he’s on duty in the emergency ward: his stethoscope and his iPad. Early adopting physicians have been embracing the iPad since day one and now the trial stage has moved to a rush. Not only can a doctor […]

iPad Cover

I am now the proud owner of an iPad 2 case. Now all I need is an iPad 2 to attach it to. Not to worry; the Apple manufacturing and distribution system is in full gear. Fedex gets a lot of credit for their incredible logistics system but it appears to be Apple that sets […]

iPad 2 Launched

The iPad 2 announcement was mostly as expected. Ordering it at 7 AM this morning was also as expected — easy, fast, pleasant, enticing for extra goodies, followed by immediate and precise confirming communications from Apple. The order status shows: Ships: 5 – 7 business days and Delivers: Mar 22 – Mar 29. I ran […]

iPad 2

The iPad 2 announcement was mostly as expected–thinner, lighter, faster, two cameras built in, and a gyroscope! A new dual-core processor, branded the A5, is included and promises significantly faster performance. The positive surprise is that all the new features come with the same great battery life as the first iPad, and an innovative new […]