
Home Attitude On The Way

One of my summer projects is to finish writing Home Attitude: Everything You Need to Know To Make Your Home Smart, the fourth in a series of Attitude LLC books. The target publication date will be in the Fall. I had hoped to publish in August, but some major back surgery in July slowed me down. […]

The Friend Vote

If there is one statistic from my research for Election Attitude which should get your attention, it is 100 million people. That is how many could have voted in 2012 and 2016, but did not. In round numbers, in 2012, 30 million people were registered to vote but did not. Seventy million were eligible to […]

Electronic Health Records

I continue to deplore Congress for not talking about the real problem in American healthcare, the cost of delivering healthcare. Premiums and deductibles are high because the cost of healthcare delivery is high. Drug prices are in runaway price growth. When the CEO of a major drug company was asked why they keep raising prices, he said, “Because […]

Newsroom: Apple and Russian Hacking

As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced updates to watchOS, macOS, iOS, and tvOS was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple executives acted like a great team and executed their usual: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. It works every time. If you […]

Artificial Intelligence Will Change Everything

I have been writing about technology for more than 20 years. I never considered myself a futurist, but I have generally been accurate in predicting what is just over the hill, around the curve. Usually, my predictions have been about technology already available, but perhaps obscured or downplayed by many. I have often said in […]