
Current Events by John R. Patrick – 04/21/2023

Current Events by John R. Patrick – 04/21/2023 I changed the name of this section from What’s new? to Current Events by John R. Patrick. Feedback told me there was some confusion about “news”. The In The News section contains news about a new publication by me or a news story which mentions me or […]

Is chatGPT Sentient? by John R. Patrick

chatbot John R Patrick Blog Page Amazon Books Kindle, Amazon Paperback, Amazon Books, Amazon products, Non-fiction Books #amazon books #amazon kdp #kindle cloud reader #amazon kindle books #kindle books #amazon audible #kindle store #prime reading #kindle reader #free kindle books #amazon ebooks #amazon prime books #amazon prime reading #kindle ebooks #amazon audio books #amazon cloud reader

Is chatGPT Sentient? by John R. Patrick Written: February 2023 The level of interest in AI and specifically chatGPT and similar AI tools is quite high. I plan to switch back to some important healthcare technologies but, for now, I hope I can help readers understand what is going on with AI. I will start […]

Is chatGPT Biased?

chatbot John R Patrick Blog Page Amazon Books Kindle, Amazon Paperback, Amazon Books, Amazon products, Non-fiction Books #amazon books #amazon kdp #kindle cloud reader #amazon kindle books #kindle books #amazon audible #kindle store #prime reading #kindle reader #free kindle books #amazon ebooks #amazon prime books #amazon prime reading #kindle ebooks #amazon audio books #amazon cloud reader

Is chatGPT Biased? Written: February 2023 I got a lot of feedback about my article on chatGPT. The feedback was positive but there were a lot of questions. One of the top questions was about bias. I asked chatGPT if it was biased. Here is the answer I got. chatGPT said: As an AI language […]

News from johnpatrick.com – 02/17/2023

“It’s All About Attitude” https://www.johnpatrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/HEALTH-ATTITUDE-SERIES-LOGO-SPINNING-BOOK-WOODENDESK-24SECS-1920X1080.mp4 Health Attitude was the start this week. My marketing partner, Billy Wright, and I tried an Amazon promotional idea. We set the price at zero, and the books immediately starting “selling”, 241 of them. The theory behind the promotion is it will generate interest, people will tell others about the books, […]

News from johnpatrick.com – 02/10/2023

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky made a whirlwind trip from Ukraine to London, Paris, Brussels, and stopped over in Poland on the way back. As usual lots of thanks and lots of asks. His track record on the asks is quite good. In Brussels, he had the opportunity to meet with King Philippe I of Belgium. […]