
Media Update

At the end of September I launched a media campaign to spread the word about Health Attitude. My goal is to increase understanding of the American healthcare system: what is working and what isn’t, and what can be done to make it better. I spent most of my media time on radio interviews all over the country; […]

iPhone 6 Plus – Part 2

The iPhone 6 Plus continued during the past 24 hours to move like a checker across the board from Incheon, Korea to Anchorage, Alaska, to Louisville, Kentucky. Delivery was committed by end of day on Thursday, but perhaps I will get lucky and receive it tomorrow.

Siddhartha Mukherjee and Apple

This post reflects on two amazing sets of accomplishments. First is about a Medscape One-on-One, in which Eric J. Topol, MD, author of The Creative Destruction of Medicine: How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning author Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, PhD. Dr. Mukherjee is the author of The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography […]

Continuity of Thought

There are many issues regarding our privacy or lack thereof. From my perspective, the most irritating form of privacy intrusion is the recent trend in video advertising. Although there are examples of subscription-based content that is advertising-free, it is true that advertising is necessary to cover the cost of most journalism and creative productions that […]

Peggybank at patrickWeb

Click image to enlarge The origin of the word Peggybank is peg as in mpeg or jpeg, the format for compressed movies and pictures. Most of us that have been around for more than a few decades have 8mm films, VHS video tapes, 35mm slides, boxes of photographs, baseball cards, ham radio QSL cards, etc. in our […]