Will There Be a National Shortage of Physicians?
The prevailing point of view in recent years has been we will face a significant shortage of physicians because of the addition of previously uninsured Americans. In Health Attitude, I wrote there may not be a shortage of physicians, possibly even a surplus. I cited various technological factors, increasing usage of physician extenders, and the use of […]
DACS: Health Attitude Forum and Panel
It was a pleasure to speak at one of the Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS) monthly meetings for the 22nd year in a row. The DACS board was gracious to use the occasion to feature my new book, Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare. I gave a 30 minute overview of what the […]
Mom and 12 Things We Can 3D Print in Medicine
Printing something about Mom on my LulzBot Taz 5 3-D Printer seemed like a good way to start the 100th Mother’s Day. I enjoy printing various nicknacks, animals or spaceships for grandkids, and household parts not available any longer. Much more important than my hobby is the plethora of things in the world of medicine that can […]
Speech at SIIA
The Future of the Internet – Disruptors of the Next Generation It was a privilege to be a speaker at the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) conference in New York on January 25. The subject of the speech was The Future of the Internet but I included an emphasis on impact to healthcare and […]
Scientists Report Advance in Drug Repurposing
For most of recorded history, medicine has been qualitative in nature, relying on subjective feedback from patients and anecdotal prescriptions from physicians. Medicine today is becoming more and more quantitative in nature. The Wall Street Journal yesterday reported what they described as “high-tech recycling”, where researchers have developed an innovative way to use already-approved drugs […]