An Apple a Day For a Healthy Heart

In the 1860s, a proverb originated in the country of Wales; “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” By the end of the 19th century, the phrase morphed into “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. There is actually some scientific backing to the proverb.  […]

Telehealth Moves Toward Mainstream

Telemedicine is on its way to becoming mainstream. One company, Teladoc, is believed to have garnered a 75% market share, but I expect a lot more competition coming in. That will be a good thing, more competition will mean better choices for consumers. So far, consumers like telehealth. For as little as $40 they can see […]

Convenience Is Driving Telehealth

American Well is a private company based in Boston, MA. It has a mission to improve access to quality healthcare while making it more affordable for consumers. The company does this by using mobile and web telehealth to remove barriers such as distance, mobility, and time and making healthcare more convenient. In today’s busy lives, convenience is becoming more important. […]

E-stethoscope for Telehealth

Telehealth is really catching on. Some consumers are changing their family physician to one who offers telehealth. The driver is the big C, convenience. Driving to sit in a waiting room (usually with no WiFi) is such a waste of time for many. Grandparents who chat with distant grandchildren with Skype or FaceTime now realize they could see […]

Telehealth and mHealth Fuel Growth

There are many skeptics about telehealth, but the evidence is mounting that it works well for patients and providers. Teladoc, which claims to be the leader in telehealth, is providing telehealth access to millions. This week, the company announced a record for November with a total of 101,600 patient telehealth visits. The growth was fueled by an increase […]