MedTech Chat with Dr. John Patrick: Healthcare Predictions

On October 30, I chatted about the future of healthcare with Abigail Esposito on WTWH Media. The interview was published on the Medical Design & Outsourcing website and it was also podcasted. Podcasts are becoming very popular as a way to share points of view. Many people listen to them on their smartphones. This particular podcast lasted […]

Health Attitude on Fox Business

It was a nice brisk walk at 6 AM for six blocks from the Hilton to News Corp headquarters on the Avenue of the Americas. The makeup artist did the best she could do with what she had to work with. I walked onto the set knowing I would have less than five minutes to […]

Mornings With Maria

Maria Bartiromo is very interested in healthcare. I was fortunate to be able to discuss the subject with her and her team at 6:40 AM this morning (November 2, 2015) on Fox Business. It is hard to explain much in five minutes but, hopefully, I was able to add some value to the topic. Maria’s […]

mHealth Editorial Board

Announcements Dr. John R. Patrick- Welcome aboard! We are happy to announce that mHealth has a new editorial board member! It is our great honor to have Dr. John R. Patrick join the editorial board of mHealth. As an expert in the field of healthcare and mobile health, Dr. Patrick will provide academic support for […]

How Mobile Health Will Change Patient Provider Relationships

Healthcare Consultants Forum Online Newsletter – Quarter 4, 2015 Author: John R. Patrick, DHA President Attitude LLC Palm Coast, Fla. Consumers are taking more responsibility for their health and seeking to collaborate with their physicians. Mobile health apps and devices, in combination with cloud computing, will play a major role in empowering consumers. Mobile devices […]