We All Need Health Insurance

I watched a panel discussion on CNBC this morning. It was introduced as the Future of Healthcare. The participants were CEOs of health insurance companies. There was no mention of patient safety and quality, clinical procedures, patient care, mobile health, telehealth, robotic surgery, accountable care, or affordable care. Another missing topic concerns the 30-40 million […]

mHealth Article Launched From Singapore

In addition to writing about mHealth in Health Attitude, I have written an article which now appears in the mHealth journal. The mHealth journal is a brand new, open access, peer-reviewed international publication in English, describing new developments and what the editor considers enlightening viewpoints. The current focus of the journal is in the field of […]

Uber for Healthcare

When I was a small child and got a cold, my mother would call Dr. Green. He lived in our town and would drive his 1950 Plymouth to our home. I can recall him leaning over my bed to check my temperature and diagnose my condition. I vividly recall the little black pills and deep […]

Will There Be a National Shortage of Physicians?

The prevailing point of view in recent years has been we will face a significant shortage of physicians because of the addition of previously uninsured Americans. In Health Attitude, I wrote there may not be a shortage of physicians, possibly even a surplus. I cited various technological factors, increasing usage of physician extenders, and the use of […]

What Is mHealth?

What is mHealth? Simply put, it stands for mobile health. It represents much more than the simple name implies. It will change how we think about our health, provide tools to help us self-diagnose and collaborate with our doctors, and will enable collection of a large amount of data for the benefit of the entire […]