Health Attitude Update

I wish happy holidays for all, and I want to thank those who have been giving me feedback on the draft of Health Attitude. If you are not on the reviewer list, but would like to be, please drop a mail to [email protected].  The purpose of this post is to provide an update on plans for the […]

Net Attitude

When I wrote Net Attitude 12 years ago, I thought that by now, all organizations would be exploiting the Internet effectively. Sadly, this is not true. There are so many web sites that do not do what they are supposed to do. You enter a date or a phone number or a social security number, and […]

Live By the Calendar – Part 2

Last week, I suggested I might start a new blog series called Hall of Lame, each week highlighting a website that falls short. I said the first selection would be Best Western, which for now I will have to label Worst Western.  In spite of my rant about the calendar issue, I was able to […]

Live By the Calendar

This week, 12 years ago, I was writing Net Attitude. The basic premise underlying my book was that the web was at its infancy and we had only seen 2% of the potential it offered to simplify our lives. I asserted that websites that did not live up to their potential were a victim of […]

The alphaWorks Group (on Facebook)

Thanks to David Gee for adding me to the alphaWorks group on Facebook. I am honored to be a member. I searched through the past 17 years of my blog and found a lot of references to aW. Perhaps the most meaningful is one from 2006 when I had attended the tenth anniversary of alphaWorks. […]