History of Net Attitude

I think all of us have a book in us. Many people have asked me how long it took to bring out a book and how do those endorsements on the back cover work. In addition to the history you can read here, there are postings here in the weblog during the latter part of […]

Net Attitude Weblog Consolidated

The Net Attitude weblog was created in 2001 as an extension of my book, Net Attitude. The plan was and remains to use blogging as a way to reflect on things that changed after I finished writing the book. Needless to say, much has changed but I am sticking to my story — that we are at the very beginning […]

The PC and TV Convergence

In my book, Net Attitude, I asserted that the PC and the TV were not converging — in fact I said I believed that they are diverging. John McAllaster is reading the book and gave me some excellent feedback. With John’s permission I am posting his comments and also my reply to him. There is […]

The Book Tour – Canada to Connecticut and the airwaves

We arrived in Calgary on Sunday and rented a car to drive to Banff which is about 80 miles west. It is a beautiful ride through the Canadian Rocky Mountains. We stayed overnight at the Banff Springs Hotel and on Monday took a ride further west to Lake Louise. It is absolutely beautiful country. A […]

Dueling emails

The following “dueling emails” appeared on Borders Online during the latter part of 2001. Christopher Locke and John Patrick The Internet, unlike Internet stocks at the moment, is not dead. Christopher Locke, one of the coauthors of the popular The Cluetrain Manifesto, and John Patrick, Vice President of Internet Technology for IBM, have been thinking […]