Thanks for the endorsements

I always wondered how the endorsements (called blurbs) that appear on the back of the dust jacket of a book came about. Actually, I have written a dozen or so blurbs for other peoples books over the years but now with my first book of my own the reciprocal relationship needs to happen. I sent […]

Getting Net Attitude Into Print

I started writing the book in the summer of 2000 and submitted the manuscript to Perseus Publishing around the end of March 2001. Memorial Day weekend was spent going over the hardcopy manuscript that the publishers copy editor had marked up with grammatical fixes and suggested changes. Being an electrical engineer by original training I […]

Welcome to the Net Attitude weblog

This weblog is an extension of Net Attitude. My plan is to use it as a way to communicate about the book as it makes its way toward general availability. I will also be using the weblog as a way to reflect on things that changed between the time I finished writing the book and […]