Net Attitude on Kindle
The Kindle is quite an amazing device (see "Kindlized") and I am irrevocably hooked. In addition to buying a growing number of Kindle books, I now have one for sale. Net Attitude continues as a book but I suspect the Kindle version will have the edge going forward. The patrickWeb blog will also soon be […]
Technical Update
On infrequent occasions I have something to say about the technical aspects of patrickWeb. Today I made a change that is important to me but will go unnoticed by close to 100% of the people who read this blog. From now on Atom is the protocol I use to publish the index to what I […]
Technical Update
The last few days have been spent developing a new menu system for patrickWeb and trying to streamline the several thousand pages of content to make it easier for visitors to find things. I am making progress, but like many technical projects, it is sometimes one step forward and two steps backwards. I appreciate everyone’s […]
Technical Update
Thanks to Bob Ishida in Tokyo for finding a bad link in my latest story, “Long Distance – Part 6“. I am grateful for the feedback on content — and errors. For those who read the long distance story, you may have noticed the new menu on the left side of the page. This is […]
Technical Upate
From time to time I feel a need to offer a technical update about things behind the scenes at my website. For those who are interested in music, motorcycles, or the big picture of where I see things going with the Internet, just ignore the updates. For those interested in the technical happenings, the updates […]