
The Physical Internet

In August 2008, I had the pleasure to visit Greenland for the Konference Sarfarissoq in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. The conference was hosted by Tele-Post Greenland, and the focus was the impact of the submarine cable which would soon bring broadband Internet to Greenland. A traditional kayak enabled the symbolic landing. A month after my […]

» Healthcare.gov

A lot of knowledgeable experts are weighing in with their points of view about went wrong with the launch of healthcare.gov.  A project as massive as healthcare.gov can have many possible points of failure. When I first  heard that the upcoming October 1 launch, it reminded me of the website my team at IBM built […]

Where Were You When…?

November 1995 (edited September 11, 2003, November 23, 2011, and November 22, 2013) Most of us remember vividly where we were on September 11, 2001. In my case, I was in Danbury, Connecticut in the board room at Bristol Technology meeting with their CEO, Keith Blackwell. Remember where you were when you first heard that […]

Ham Radio (also known as Amateur Radio)

Apache TX-1 (Click to enlarge) I have added a new page to the Hobbies section of patrickWeb. It is about one of my very first hobbies — Ham Radio. The contents of the page are repeated here in the blog. I have had many friends over the years who were hams and with whom I […]

The Internet of Things

Home automation is a broad term. I would define it simply as automating things in your home. The age-old and most trivial example is the “automated” coffee pot that is programmed to turn on at a certain time, and when you arrive in the kitchen the coffee is ready. At the other end might be […]