When Have We Seen Enough Drug Ads on TV?

When Have We Seen Enough Drug Ads on TV?      Ten years ago, I finished my doctorate in Health Administration and wrote Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare. One of the topics I wrote numerous magazine articles about and on-the-air interviews was about direct-to-consumer (DTC) TV advertising. I felt strongly about […]

Negotiating the Price of Drugs

Negotiating the Price of Drugs In August 2022, President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, which gave Medicare the authority to negotiate drug prices for the first time in history. Politicians are taking a victory lap. The truth is the pharmaceutical industry could take a victory lap. In this article, I will take a look […]

When Have We Seen Enough TV Drug Ads?

When Have We Seen Enough TV Drug Ads? Written: June 2015 The American Medical Association (AMA) has called for a ban on consumer TV advertisements for prescription drugs. Anyone with toenail fungus has either talked to their doctor about it or is not bothered by any symptoms. Regardless, millions of viewers of the Superbowl watched […]

Is Amazon Pharmacy For Real?

In the early 1960s, I remember regular visits to Mccoubrie’s Pharmacy in Salem, NJ. We called it the drug store, and it had a soda fountain. We would stop by after school for a cherry coke. The back of the store was the pharmacy. Jack Mccoubrie was a distinguished looking man and a friend of […]

When Have We Seen Enough Drug Ads on TV?

I believe Alex Azar, Secretary of Health and Human Services, is doing a good job of trying to improve our broken healthcare system. The move to allow states to seek a Federal waiver to implement Medicaid in ways tailored to their needs has a lot of potential. Some states have already shown they can reduce […]