The Real Problem With Healthcare

Paul Matadeen called me for an impromptu interview about the stall in the Senate healthcare legislation. Here is what I told him.  

Congress Puts Drug Lobbyists Ahead of Those They are Supposed to Represent

As I have written in Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, there are many problems with the American healthcare system. The number one problem is the high cost. It is not the cost of the insurance, it is the cost of delivering the healthcare. Billions of dollars are spent on legal fees to […]

When Have We Seen Enough Drug Ads on TV?

I have written articles for a number of publications about TV advertising of prescription drugs. TV news programs are unlikely to invite me in to talk about the subject since the pharmaceutical industry spends $5 billion per year on TV advertising. The latest article was published in Pharmaceutical Processing. You can read it here. My […]

Common Sense From the AMA

The American Medical Association today called for a ban on consumer advertisements for prescription drugs. I cited this as a major problem in Health Attitude in March and was really pleased to see the AMA make the common sense proclamation. The AMA cited a number of reasons for their decision. Here are my six reasons why the ban should […]