Value of a Second Opinion

A recent study at the Mayo Clinic concluded getting a second opinion is critical. The researchers examined the electronic health records of 286 patients who had received a second opinion about a prior medical diagnosis. The results were stunning. In nearly 90% of the cases, the second opinion was either refined or redefined. Only 12% of […]


In 1963, when I started in engineering school, there were two tracks that an electrical engineering student could choose from — electronics or power. Electronics was about solid state devices such as transistors. (The Intel microprocessor was not to come until 1971). The “power” track was mostly about electric motors and power generation. Fast forward fifty years and you […]

MRI Scans Can Now Do MRN

Most of us have no doubt had an MRI at some point. The imaging technology can be invaluable for surgeons to get a highly accurate picture of the status of a back, neck, knee, or shoulder prior to surgery. Researchers are discovering new capabilities possible with MRI technology. In a major scientific article published by […]

Cancer Moonshot 2020

Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiung is an amazing human being. A simple list of his accomplishments would fill this blog. Among many other things, he is leading an five-star group of companies, institutions, and scientists in an initiative called Cancer Moonshot 2020, announced in January 2016 in a White House Memorandum. The Cancer MoonShot 2020 Program is a comprehensive cancer […]

Accelerating Cancer Treatment

I remember being at a technology conference in 1999 when teenagers Sean Parker and Shawn Fanning demonstrated a digital music service called Napster. It was the beginning of a revolution, and it made a lot of sense to me. The rock group Metallica sued Napster in 2000 and the momentum of music sharing slowed — […]