Facebook and Congress

Security and privacy of our online presence is vitally important, perhaps more so than we may realize at this stage of the evolution of social media. It is similar to patient safety and quality in healthcare; there is no room for compromise, and neglect can be catastrophic. I was quite involved in the subject of […]

Equifax: Further Outrage

  We should be outraged by the incompetence of Equifax, as suggested earlier. They were not the victim, we were. Nearly half the population of America may have given up personal information to thieves, a lot of information. Now that some details are emerging, there is even more to be outraged about. The Wall Street […]

Equifax: Two Takeaways

  The latest privacy breach is outrageous in two ways. First, Equifax incompetence should cause us to not use them or trust them. This is the third time they have been hacked in two years. The news coverage makes it sound like it is just one of many, and being hacked is just the way […]

Russian Hacking

As I described in an audio podcast last week (click here if you would like to listen to the interview), Russian hacking is not the most important story for the press to be spending so much time on. The Russians have been using propaganda and information related techniques to meddle for decades. That is nothing […]

Password Resolution

Make a New Year’s Resolution to get a password manager and clean up and organize all your passwords. You will sleep better and avoid being hacked. There many password managers available. I recommend 1Password. It will create, store, remember, and insert hundreds of long, ugly, and impossible to remember passwords. It is a truly great piece of software. […]