iPhone 4 – Part 2: Shipping Notice
The iPhone 4 was ordered on Tuesday June 15 and in spite of the AT&T web site problems and overloaded servers, the order was confirmed. On Saturday I received an email that was music to my ears. “Dear John Patrick, we are pleased to inform you that your iPhone (4) has shipped. Please check below […]
American Glory
The destination was unknown but the weather outside was so perfect that a motorcycle ride was an easy decision. The trike was full of gas and mp3 music and ready to go in any direction. Heading west on Route 35 and then north on I-684 and west on I-84 got me to the Taconic Parkway […]
IBM Happenings: March – April 2010
The months of March and April were busy ones at IBM with the usual flurry of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. See the complete index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) here. The major focus of the company remains on a “smarter planet and the dimensions of this thrust continue […]
Promises, Promises
A group of friends made our 27th year in a row into New York today to see a Broadway play. After a superb lunch at Vice Versa we saw Promises, Promises. It was certainly easy to identify with the vintage. The play is based on the 1960 Billy Wilder film The Apartment that starred Jack […]
Fatboy On The Road
The motorcycle trip had been in the planning stage for months and this week it was to happen. It would be one of the biggest adventures of all time for me. Not as exciting in some respects as the very light jet trip from Brazil in October. Not as long as the many trips I […]