WiFi – Update No. 2
Each day that goes by makes it more clear that WiFi is taking a parallel course to what we saw with the web nearly ten years ago. Many grass roots initiatives are underway and many established leaders of major companies are unable to see the shift. WiFi is doing for “access” what the web did […]
Pringles Can
I have been getting a lot of questions about the Pringles can. Here is a list of links where you can find it.
Le WiFi
The trip from Agenda 2003 in Phoenix to Paris for the IBM CIO conference was fifteen hours door to door. I can’t say it was a fun trip but thankfully it was uneventful. The conference was actually at Disneyland Paris which is in Marne La Vallee, an interesting place unto itself (with a really neat […]
WiFi in Europe – part 2
It wasn’t my plan for the blog to be a WiFi blog — there are so many other things to write about in the world of Internet Technology. However, my enthusiasm for WiFi grows each day as I hear from readers. Anders Jacobsen, a Norwegian subscriber to my weblog’s RSS newsfeed, sent me some additional […]
Cable Or DSL – Who Is The Winner?
The single question that I get asked the most in my travels is which is better, DSL or cable? The related question often asked is which will win? The short answer is — the consumer. However, the questions are part of the bigger issue of speed. The Next Generation of the Internet has many new […]