When I upgraded from the iPhone 4S to the iPhone 5, I sold the 4S on eBay and got a very good price for it.  When the rumors about another new iPhone began to firm up, sent emails urging customers to sign up to sell them their current iPhones. Gazelle  has a very nice model for how to manage the transition of technology. They provide a guaranteed price and offer a very simple process to ship a product to them and receive a market-based payment for it. I especially like the feature that gives you get an extra 5% if you accept the payment in the form of a credit at Today I received $367.50 for the iPhone 5. It may have been possible to do better on eBay but I don’t think so this time — and the convenience of Gazelle wins the day. A couple of clicks and the full $367.50 is added to your Amazon account. By acting fast, I got optimum value for the 5. If I sold the 5 to Gazelle today, their offer is $280. I am convinced by history that if you like the latest technology, moving fast minimizes the long-term cost of adoption.