Telehealth ConsultationIf you are not sure telehealth is for real, check Teladoc’s 2015 annual report. It seems they are just getting warmed up. For the first quarter of this year, the company completed 240,000 telemedicine visits, up 61 percent from 149,000 visits during the same period last year. Teladoc also added 870 new customers in January. About 40 of these were Fortune 500 companies, including Dell, Monsanto, Sherwin-Williams, Panasonic, DuPont, and Kohl’s.

The nation’s largest telehealth platform, Teladoc, has facilitated more than a million electronic visits between a physician and a patient. Teladoc doctors are practicing physicians licensed in internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, or behavioral health. Their credentials are reviewed every 3 years.      Teladoc doctors are just like regular primary care physicians or pediatricians. They are using telehealth because they see it as a way to provide affordable and convenient access to quality healthcare. Read more about telehealth in Health Attitude.

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