IBM LogoIt is hard to believe that it has been ten years, as of May 24, that came to life. The occasion brought back many fond memories for me as I recalled working with my colleagues at IBM to make it happen. The history of the effort has been reported in a number of magazines and books, including a story in the Harvard Business Review. The effort was inspired, in part, by a paper called "Get Connected" which I wrote in late 1993. The concepts described in the paper seem very primitive now, but at the time most people thought they were revolutionary or radical or even weird.
As far as I know, the U.S., European, and Asian press have not picked up on the story, but the Latin American reporters have been quite interested in the history of More importantly, they are very interested in the future of the Internet, and so I was very pleased to spend a few hours last month talking with a number of journalists from Mexico, Uruguay, and other Latin American countries. Here are the stories that have been published so far…