We arrived in Calgary on Sunday and rented a car to drive to Banff which is about 80 miles west. It is a beautiful ride through the Canadian Rocky Mountains. We stayed overnight at the Banff Springs Hotel and on Monday took a ride further west to Lake Louise. It is absolutely beautiful country. A shame to be such a short stay but it was time to head back to Calgary to participate in an IBM e-business conference. There were more than four hundred customers there to learn about e-business technology solutions. I was really pleased to find that at least one Calgary bookstore had Net Attitude on hand!
Here are a few pictures from Banff Springs and Lake Louise – Alberta, Canada.
It is now October 31 and back home. On Wednesday morning I met with a dozen or so of my colleagues from IBM Global Services to give them an update on my latest thinking about the Future of the Internet. The heart of Net Attitude focuses on that topic but of course the Future is changing every day and that is why I will be using this web log to post current thoughts. Later in the day I spoke on two different e-meeting audio conferences with more than two hundred IBM customers from all over America. This is a very productive way to share — and without the wear and tear of travel.
On November 1 I had the pleasure of giving a presentation at the Ridgefield Library in Connecticut. It was a full house and there were many questions after my talk. I stayed for two hours and then signed some books being offered by the local bookstore — Books on the Common.
On Friday it was a special pleasure to be give a lecture to the MBA class of the University of Utah via e-meeting. We had some technical difficulties and it ended up being an audio conference but the Q&A dialogue with the students was vivid as could be. They were really prepared! I learned as much from their questions as they did from my attempts to answer them. I’ll have much more to say about e-meetings in a subsequent web log posting.