The Face by Dean KoontzDean Koontz has written more than forty novels and many have been #1 bestsellers. In addition to being prolific, he is incredibly creative and imaginative. HIs most recent novel, The Face, is incredibly imaginative, exciting, and at times gripping. It is about a deranged professor who is seeking anarchy. Part of his plan is to kidnap and torture the son of a famous movie star. The intricacies of the plot would be hard to imagine, but not for Dean Koontz. One of the characters in the story gets killed but then disappears from the morgue and reappears in various scenarios.

Was he really dead in the first place? Or did he return as a ghost? The reality is explained in the last twenty pages of the book. The Face has one thrilling surprise after another and each sentence is crafted to near perfection. Definitely worth a read if you don’t mind suspense.