Doctor runningWhen I was a small child and got a cold, my mother would call Dr. Green. He lived in our town and would drive his 1950 Plymouth to our home. I can recall him leaning over my bed to check my temperature and diagnose my condition. I vividly recall the little black pills and deep yellow cough syrup he would administer. Now, 65 years later, I can still recall their taste. Conventional wisdom has held the days of Dr. Greens driving to our homes are history.

Doctors driving themselves may be history, but some healthcare startups see home healthcare home visits as the future.  A company called Heal, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Orange County, California, promises to “get a doctor to your sofa in under an hour” for $99. A New York startup, Pager, uses Uber to dispatch doctors or nurse practitioners for $200. An Atlanta startup sends a nurse who then connects via a laptop with a physician to finalize a treatment plan. Consumers may see home healthcare visits as an out-of-pocket expense similar to service calls by the plumber or electrician.

I have to admit I did not foresee Uber as part of mHealth, but I did write in Health Attitude  about how technology is reshaping the diagnosis and delivery of healthcare.

Source: Startups Vie to Build an Uber for Health Care

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