A recent study at the Mayo Clinic concluded getting a second opinion is critical. The researchers examined the electronic health records of 286 patients who had received a second opinion about a prior medical diagnosis. The results were stunning. In nearly 90% of the cases, the second opinion was either refined or redefined. Only 12% of diagnoses were confirmed. Even more surprising is of the 87% who received an updated diagnosis, 66% received a refined or redefined diagnosis. An alarming 21% received a diagnosis which was completely different than what the diagnosis of the first physician.
If you read False Research Studies in my last week’s e-brief, the question you should be asking is what came to my mind. Was 286 patients a large enough sample size to be sure the conclusions of the study are statistically accurate? As mentioned in some of my other posts, artificial intelligence (AI) will greatly enhance the ability of providers to make more accurate diagnoses in the future.
Source: Second Opinion From Doctor Nets Different Diagnosis 88% Of Time, Study Finds