Skip Prichard is an accomplished CEO, business leader, and keynote speaker.  He is known for his track record of successfully repositioning companies and dramatically improving results while improving the corporate culture.  In addition to running OCLC, a global nonprofit computer library service and research organization in Dublin, Ohio, he uses his personal website to share his knowledge and experience on topics ranging from leadership, personal development, growth strategies, culture, corporate turnarounds, and the future of publishing.  I feel privileged to be a member of the OCLC Board of Trustees.

Skip has interviewed numerous authors and leaders from all walks of life. His blog, Leadership Insights, is a significant resource for anyone seeking to be a better leader. As you will see, Skip is an engaging interviewer. The 11 minutes went very quickly. Skip is also an avid reader. I am delighted that he liked both Net Attitude and Health Attitude. I hope you enjoy the video.

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