TitaniumThe new Lenovo Z60 Widescreen ThinkPad is getting high marks. The company has developed a clever website (some images are below) to allow people to "vote" for which model they like better — the one with the black case or the one with the titanium case. If you are not sure which to vote for, just listen to the Persuadatron! The wide-screen ThinkPad Z60 series offers a 15.4 inch widescreen and built in EV-DO wireless.
The EV-DO feature provides wireless broadband in locations where there is no WiFi. It works very well in trains and cars. Currently Verizon Wireless is the leading provider for EV-DO coverage, with more than sixty major cities. Sprint is rolling out coverage to compete. EV-DO has numerous advantages over WiFi — the main one being seamless roaming across the country since the signal travels on same cell sites as cell phones. One disadvantage of EV-DO has been the need for an expensive card to plug into your laptop. Now with the Z60 it is built in — in addition to having WiFi.