
Thanks very much for your feedback. Surveymonkey only allows 40 responses unless you pay for a big subscription I would never use. We have exceeded the 40 responses and we have a statistically valid set of data. It was very positive. You can see the results at the following links:



I hope a lot of Russians are reading Telegram. President Zelensky, the great leader, said the following today as he addressed the people of Indonesian. Emphasized that the sooner our lands are liberated from the occupiers, the more reliably people everywhere in the world will be protected. Protected from the aggressive desires of those who want to pursue colonial policies, as in the old days. If the world is truly united and honest about this Russian aggression against our sovereign state, the speed of ending this war will be measured in weeks. Weeks, not even months.


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has shared the first imagery from GOES-18 (Geostationary Operational Environment Satellite), it’s latest weather satellite, which sits on a perch in geostationary orbit observing the Western Hemisphere of Earth. It is the most advanced weather satellite ever sent into space and has a powerful array of instruments and sensors. Anytime you check the weather on your phone, tablet, or get it from any other source, you can thank GOES.
NASA’s Mars InSight lander, which has been conducting science operations on the surface of Mars since 2018, is nearing the end of its life as its solar panels are nearly completely covered in Martian dust and can no longer generate sufficient power. The lander has exceeded its design lifetime by two years and has detected over 1,300 “Marsquakes”, including the most powerful quake measured to date earlier this month. The mission has produced troves of data and has revealed the Martian core is much smaller than expected.

– Aaron J. Patrick


Reflection Attitude

A lot more progress on Reflection Attitude this week. A first draft is in the hands of reviewers and blurbers. I am very grateful for the blurbs which have come in so far.

Wall Street

The market reflects investors concluded maybe thing are not so bad. Tech had beaten to a pulp. Techs were up across the board today. All GAMMAT stocks were up. The total is just above $8 trillion. I believe the high since I started reporting this was above $11 trillion. I still remain bullish on tech, large and small. Many of the world’s problems, like supply chain and labor shortages, will be solved by tech. It is going to be a long wait. They are still closer to 52-week lows than highs.


As of Friday, there are 19,621 cryptocurrencies. Total market cap of all the crypto is $1.2 trillion. Bitcoin represents 46% of the total and Ethereum 18%. The rest are 36%. There are a lot of great ideas among the rest, but many are fraudulent or what I would call overly creative. The Fed is saying the idea of a stablecoin  is not only a good idea but if the U.S. doesn’t create a digital coin then the dollar as the world standard may get weakened.